You are special.
Dear friend,
We just returned from your wedding. It was awesome to celebrate with you!
I have only one regret about the trip. Some folks will be surprised that there’s only one because I didn’t bring my partner. I decided it wasn’t worth it this trip and stand by that choice. Maybe one day we’ll come visit you and your wife; it’d be a great time.
My regret is this: I didn’t speak at the open mic at your welcome dinner. It would have been hard to follow the musical performance. Folks would have rolled their eyes and been like… “Really, bro. Let’s go. This isn’t about you.” And I wasn’t rehearsed, but… I have the poem memorized it just didn’t pop to top of mind. Someday I hope to have a catalogue of poems and stories at the ready. I hope it’ll be my path of least resistance to summon an impactful and well-crafted message.
Here’s what I wish I would have said:
Before I share a poem, let’s take a moment of silence for our loved ones who couldn’t be here. Find a quiet, joyful place inside of you and welcome them.
Thank you. And now, a poem.
Off I go into the night,
A raucous scream of pure delight.
What’s this?
A staircase made of air.
Climbing higher,
Do I dare?
Of course I do!
I’m the king up here!
What’s that?
Do I hear a cheer?
My circle is calling from deep inside.
They are supporting me as I climb.
With Icarus
Front of mind,
Could I believe
I’m of one kind?
From way up here it’s hard to tell
Why one would ever scream or yell.
From way up here all I can see
Is the stunning power of company.
To the groom: thank you for extending an invitation to us. It’s an honor to be here. You know that we love you.
To the bride: now you know that we love you, too. We are rooting for you. Congratulations!
To the friends and families gathered: thank you for opening your hearts and minds and arms to welcome us!
Have fun. Be safe. Chao for now!
I picked up Influence Is Your Superpower at the airport on the way home. The early sections are a summary of Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. The author describes System I as Gator and System II as Judge. I want finding the right words at the right time to make its way through to my Gator-brain. Thank you for this opportunity to practice.