Turning of the Page
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue–
a silly children’s book
or a capsule to capture
something only you knew?
A teacher showed me that the world is holographic.
It is… elastic.
When you can see an angle no one else can see
you can do a thing no one else can do.
You learn that the world is more
than what is false and what is true.
One plus one doesn’t always equal two.
Pi isn’t always three point one four.
Rich isn’t always rich;
poor isn’t always poor.
Instead of winners and losers
let’s make a new way to keep score.
I could reference at least a dozen books
and all I’m likely to get is puzzled looks.
At least that’s what I’ve been taught.
I feel like a fish out of water– caught.
My goal out here is to create some connection.
Maybe move this conversation a new direction.
As people we ought
to be able to talk about
more than erections,
elections, and contraceptives.
We all feel pain.
We all feel grief.
We have all felt the embrace
of sweet, sweet relief.
So please… let’s
turn over a new leaf.